So when I first started this blog it was June 2009 to reflect my need to get away from the day to day routine of traffic, work, and everything else.... now its over a year later.. and I am away. This last year has been so crazy and so random... we moved out... we worked some more... we traveled some more and got to see a lot of the West Coast and Western Canada...
Calgary... Banff... West Coast Trail on Vancouver Island...Vancouver in the Summer... Drive down to San Francisco... Mt. St. Helens, Washington... Oregon Sand Dunes...and California.
I just got to Bologna, Italy about a day ago and I'm still taking it all in. I will be studying here for 3 months before I head over to Ghent, Belgium and then Mumbai, India. Sitting here its 2.30 am as I'm fighting with my jet lag, I still have trouble truly believing this is actually happening.
Lets see how this goes...
I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless,
as it extends into the world around us,
it goes an equal distance into the world within. ~