Monday, November 30, 2009

Feels good to be back...

Alright.... from late Summer through Fall to Winter, the time has come for me to stop blog-hibernating. I've been away for way to long, it seems like I have never returned from my vacation. Its quite odd, that a person can think about something everyday, and yet not take one moment out of their day to allow themselves to partake in that one little activity they enjoy. I think the same occurs when people avoid making the time to invest in their 'future-self'. You can spend everyday occupied with all the little day to day activities that fill up your time, and never really move forward.

For the short time that I have dedicated myself to this blog in the past I felt a great satisfaction with it, so if nobody minds, I think I'm going to continue with it. I think my biggest deterrent until now, was to find one main direction that I want my writing to take, but I just can't decide on one direction. There is way too many things in this world I find interesting. So, just like with many other aspects of my life, I found that you cannot just sit around and wait to get an answer to your confusions and doubts, you have to continue trying anything you can to gain some inspiration. So here I am again...

... The self is not something one finds, it is something one creates. ~Thomas Szasz

Since today we welcome the first day of the last month of 2009, here's some precious moments I captured from the Winter early this year, throughout the precious months in between... still anxiously awaiting the first snowfall of this year.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Mr. Bean Holiday

Ladies and gentleman,

It's that time of year again... Vacation Time! After working for 51 weeks, I get my 1 - week off. I could expand plentiful about the topic of slavery in today's society, but instead I choose to show you my feelings of happiness. I must say there is no one better to demonstrate this ultimate feeling of absolute excitement than our favorite Mr. Bean! Mr. Bean's Holiday is actually one of my favorite movies, and I think what made me like it even more is that I watched it right after visiting Nice. I was going to post his dancing scene from the movie, but I think this one will portray what I want to say a little better. You think I'm kidding, but this is probably what I will be doing at the airport tomorrow evening.

Mr. Bean has been close to my heart since I was little. Every New Year's Eve we would watch the Mr. Bean Christmas special, and they would always play the one where he gets his head stuck on a turkey. Anyway, enough about that... tomorrow night, we're hitting up the west coast! Can't wait to tell you all about it when I come back!

Vancouver! San Francisco! Here I come!

Hasta Luego !

Monday, July 27, 2009

Polignano a Mer - Cliff Diving Competition 2009

Just this weekend Polignano a Mer, Puglia, Southern Italy, held its annual RedBull Cliff Diving competition. I want to show you the video presenting some testimonials and overall what the competition is about as well as to give you the general picture of how beautiful and inviting is the small town of Polignano. Just last year during our 2.5 week - Mediterranean-Euro Trip, Dina and I had the privilege of visiting this little exposed (from our perspective) town, and not only that, had the chance to stay with Nico and his family, who then was considered a stranger and now an amazing friend. Getting to know Nico, his family and his friends Angelo and Frankieee was one of the most interesting part of our trip. Never in my life have I ever been treated better and with more hospitality then by these people who we didn't even know.

This is actually quite difficult because no matter what I write about this visit to Polignano A Mer, I don't think I will ever be able to portray through words the incredible experience we have had there and the people we met. I will probably leave the details of the itenerary for another post and today just leave you with some of my fond memories.
All I will add is, for anyone planning to enjoy a real Italian experience during their upcoming Euro-trip, you must make Polignano part of your itinerary. It is located in the very southern 'heal' part of the country, in a province called Puglia, along the Adriatic sea. The Beaches are beautiful, fields of olive trees extend between the towns, people are extremely friendly (although, it may have been because we were with the locals), prices are not exagurrated, and the location is not yet overflowed with english-speaking tourists. And of course, I can't forget to mention for all you party animals, that their night clubs, are actually located ON the beach! I still wish I could have stuck around there to see the cliff diving competition. Nico did tell us tho, that there was a crazy man who lived in the town, and if you paid him $20, he would jump as high as you asked him to! - At the time we chose to refuse the offer.

Polignano a Mer, Foreber!

TopLeft: Standing against balcony, admiring the town edge against the sea.
MiddleCentre: Dina,Nico and me, walking through the streets of Polignano
BottomLeft: Dina and Me on the Adriatic Sea.
BottomRight: Paddling into shore.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Breakfast and Lamas

In light of the weekend, I feel like dedicating a post to the best and most celebrated time (for me anyways) of any weekend - breakfast time. The weather this summer has really been disappointing, but whenever it decides to get nice again I would recommend a visit for a Sunday morning breakfast in the country and the place to do so in my opinion is the Dutchmill Country Market, located about 45min from Toronto in Milgrove. Just like their simple website proclaims its a unique and inviting atmosphere where you can enjoy a hearty breakfast or a delicious lunch.

When we went it was sometime in Winter, so it was still a little chilly outside but it was nice to enjoy a breakfast away from the rush of the city. The french toast was superb, and served with some berries and fresh fruit on the side. Apparently there's some real good waffles, which I chose not to have from the menu.
The Dutchmill Country Market not only has the most pleasant atmosphere in the little tea room where you can enjoy your meal, but you can also take a walk around the large vscinity which also offers some garden stuff, amish furniture and other unique arts and crafts for sale. So now for the best part...the lamas, in addition there is a small petty zoo right outside the place where you can also find a little pond. In the winter they had the lamas! "Dude.. its a lama!" So awesome, I know I get very easily amazed by some of this stuff, but I can't help it, when was the last time you saw a lama right in front of you. There were little babies too! I'm not sure what their 'lama-rotation' is like in the summer, but I'm sure you will be able to find plenty more animals hanging out there in the summer to help you enjoy your stay. After all the website seems to guarantee some goats, rabbits, chicken and lambs, like I said we only went in winter, so we only got to meet the lamas.

TopCentre: Lama
MiddleRight: Mike enjoying his hearty breakfast in the Tea Room
BottomLeft: Me and lamas
BottomRight: Map-click on it for directions

Inspirational and Beautiful

I am posting a video which was showed to me by Mike, because I really want to share my appreciation for it and I am convinced you will all find it just as inspirational and beautiful as I did. It's a video taken at the Oknawa Churaumi Aquarium, the second largest aquarium in the world accompanied by the music of Barcelona, in my opinion a soon-to-be-grand indie band that deserves some praise. This video was mande by Jon Rawlinson, a cameraman/producer that specializes in documentary production all over the world.

What's really cool about this, is that ever since this video which is now counting over 800,000 views on youTube , and is highly complemented on, Barcelona's Sales on ITunes have been sky-rocketing. To show their appreciation the small band posted a Response Vidoe on Jon Rawlinson's page, thanking for the exposure. It's funny how it all works.

I leave you with this;

He who can no longer pause to wander and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed. - Albert Einstein

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Only In My Backyard...Just Hangin'

If I continue with these random moments soon enough this blog will turn into "America's Funniest Home Videos" - at least the animal section. But, I can't help it, it is not my fault that these little creatures seem to have this tendency of doing the most adorable things around me. One morning I woke up and as always one of the first things I did was look out the window. To my amusement this little guy was literally just hanging out there. At first I thought he was stuck, but no, he was just enjoying his morning. At one point I even saw him chewing on a nut.
I love that just like when I was little, I can still explore the little things that make my own backyard a place full of little adventure - and trust me, there is more to come.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Portaging - 2009

So once again we have undertaken the portaging experience and this time although filled with different mini adventures it was as satisfying as ever. This time we arrived up north around 9:00 pm, and unfortunately any chance at getting a canoe was shot so we were left relying on some very helpful and accommodating friends who with only two guys managed to tow and portage three canoes to pick us up at the distant shore in the late evening. With our luck, the rain started the moment we got onto the canoes, arriving at our campground at around midnight there was nothing more satisfying than a beer and a fresh campfire-fried sausage.

If I can write anything else about this trip, it is to describe my mere appreciation for this land that we live in, and the beauty it offers. How often do you get to stay up the whole night by a grand camp fire, made with your own hands and saw (the guys efforts anyway)? See the sun rise, take the canoe on the still water of the morning, and watch the sun climb from the horizon as abstract clouds float past in the distance. When do you get the chance to sit on top of a cliff hanging above the water surveying the numerous lakes that spread like canals between the islands providing a wide roadway for the miniature canoes in the distance. The best part of it all I think, was the satisfying reward of having the ability to sit and enjoy the power of the rapids who's primary placement was the reason for the strenuous portion of the portage.

In the words of Emily Carr (Canadian Artist) ; It is wonderful to feel the grandness of Canada in the raw.

Post Scriptum

Some lessons learned:
Lesson 1: Don't Canoe at night, its unsafe and people have been killed doing it
Lesson 2:
Don't forget allergy medication

Lesson 3: "Dumping a log" on a log, will usually not be funny when you actually do it. It just may upset the rest of the village when placed on exhibition in the public common-area.
TopRight: Our canoes spread out on the shore down hill from our campsite
MiddleLeft: Sitting on the cliff admiring the view
Bottom: The Polish Flag waving in the wind, as sun rises and clouds float in the far distance

Monday, June 29, 2009


In light of our upcoming Portaging getaway weekend, i thought it would only suit the situation right if I did a post on our last trip two years ago. First of all, the title of this post should not be portaging, but more like 'Mission Impossible'. I will give you a brief overview of what such an excursion is all about, and most importantly what you should avoid. Overall, thanks to our friend Ziggy and his coordinating skills this trip is by far one of the best things to do in the summer. What's better than missioning out to the middle of no where with about 20 people, of which you probably dont know half and camp out on some real crown land.

Above is a general map of what the mission entails (click on map for Google Map Link).
Take 400 North of Barrie
Exit 156 - After Passing Port Severn Bridge
Right Onto Muskoka Road (which turns into Port Severn Rd.) - This is your Canoe Rental!
Get Back onto the 400 N
Exit 168
Right onto Crooked Bay Road
Right onto Georgian Bay Road (as if you were heading back on the 400 S)
Just before the ramp to the highway, there is a down hill left turn
Park where ever you can!
Bring all your things by the shore, and start your Portage!

It looks pretty simple from far. Drive up north, rent your canoe, drive it over to the parking lot an exit away, pack your stuff, and you're off!

Alright, so now, what to avoid.

Where do we start? First of all before you set out make sure you understand what 'portaging' means. Definition: Portage refers to the practice of carrying a canoe or other boat over land to avoid an obstacle on the water route such as rapids or waterfall in a river. Aka you will have to carry everything you bring.
Here's some other tips, based on our last experience.

Lesson 1: Don't bring anything useless. Just remember, you will have to carry it.
Lesson 2: Don't steal "Ontario Parks" canoes from Six Mile Lake Provincial Park, you can probably only get away with it once.
Lesson 3: Bring good ropes, you will be left holding that thing up with you hands out the window, as you are driving down the highway.
Lesson 4: Don't throw an axe in you shin, the hospital is a minimum 45 min canoe ride away plus a drive.
Lesson 5: You car will probably get towed (get there early)
Lesson 6: Bring garbage bags!

Overall, the whole trip has its own rewards. Its a beautiful area and I can't wait to do it again!

MiddleRight: Dina and Me taking out the Canoe, 5 am, after all nighter
BottomLeft: Fishing at Sunrise. The water still as ever.

Stradford - Shakespear Festival

Last weekend, at a short weekend getaway I have discovered what seems to be like Southern Ontario's little hidden gem, that really, isn't so hidden. The only reason I'm saying this is because I had no idea this little town had so much to it. Stratford, is a home of the Shakespeare Festival, that proudly stands on the list of the Major Shakespeare Festivals in the World. It's atmosphere and welcoming feeling can be closely compared to Niagra-on-the-Lake but it's a lot bigger and has a fair-sized lake in the centre filled with many beautiful, yet agressive/ hissing sawns. Although my so-wonderfull girlfriends forced me against my will to make this weekend a triple-date weekend, it ended up being an awesome experience and I would recommend for anyone to pay at least one visit this summer to this great tourist destination.

Thanks to Geoff- our little actor/stuntman friend (which i still have to link to IMDB where he can be found), we got a chance to learn a little more about the behind the scenes. I even managed to sneak into one of the plays at the Festival Theater, something I would not recommend for anyone to attempt in the future, 1. you will probably get kicked out 2. it's actually really rude because it distracts the actors. The experience was topped-off with a late night five minute lesson on sword fighting (using real swords, pretty cool) and finished of by an amazing breakfast prepared by our wonderfull hosts that consisted of croissants, scrambled eggs with feta and a beautifull bouquet of flowers on the breakfast table.

Other activities I would recommend while you're there is to drop by the Chocolate Factory where you can get some amazing tasting overpriced ice cream, candy apples or just look at the amazing fountain of chocolate (picture below). Or you can spend your time taking a walk around the lake or renting a paddleboat to relax amongs the swans and duckies around you. The little purple welcoming door is where you can spend a few hours with your companion or family painting some pottery. Yes, I know sounds a little corny, but they actually have some really cool and usefull items in there, like plates or porcelin take-to-work mugs (imagine paiting one youreself...mine would probably bare some text, along the lines of "I don't want to be here", with a picture of a Jail-cell windows and bricks..ok, a little exagurated!) Anyhow, have fun and enjoy, don't foget to bring a picnic blanket, there's plenty of pleasant spots you can enjoy for a relaxing Sunday afternoon, afterall its only about one hour away from Toronto.

Just remember on your journey:

This above all: to thine own self be true. - Hamlet (Act I, Scene III)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Only In My Back Yard...

So Imagine This; Last Saturday morning I am sitting with my family by the kitchen table enjoying a fresh cup of coffee and some cookies. Sounds Great. Now as we are all engaged in our casual conversation, suddenly all stops as someone lets out a gasp and points to the window...what could it be? Well, there they are, there were two peacocks taking a stroll in our back yard. Not one, two! Not just any any everyday spring -time bird, a peacock.

How random is that? Interestingly enough both the male and female acted very nonchalant as they trotted through our green, 'tra la la la don't mind us'. My dad was quite amused by the situation until they birds decided to help themselves to some of our wild berries, you can't mess with those! No worries, despite my dad's angry scowl at their rude intrusion on our garden fruit, no shotguns where used or animals harmed in the writing of this post.

Just to give you a final synopsis of his story, there is a farm across the street from our home that I believe keeps the birds as part of their farm animal collection. It seems as though they decided to escape their routine of the everyday and finally get the courage to see what mysteries lie on the other side of the road. I guess everyone needs to get away every once in a while.

North by North East - Toronto

This post is a little over due, however, for the Tororontonians / GTA-ians who have not heard of the NXNE Music and Film Festival a week ago, you missed out. A spectrum of selected small-time bands performed at some of the best venues in Toronto. The festival seems to be a spin off from South by South West, an apparently incredible music festival and conference that takes place annualy in Austin, TX.

This was my first year participating and I must say I was very pleasantly surprised. This is a great opportunity to hear an array of music that you may love but have not heard before. Their website allows you to browse through the bands performing, getting a teaser of the music and also giving you a great idea on what type of style they have. So even though you may not know most of the bands, you know what you are getting yourself into.

Our night began at Bathurst and Queen . This was probably the safest bet. There were venues all over Toronto from Eglinton and Scarlett, to the Distillery. We chose the prime hub where we were able to visit at least five different venues within a 2 km walk.

- Free parking.
- Gotta love Queen Street.
- Cost of unlimited venues for Friday Night- $25
wrist band.

- Wristaband got you in anywhere - hassle free,
no line ups

- Every one hour on the dot at each venue the bands changed. I must say the organization was great.

What would I do differently:
Research more before heading out. You have an opportunity to really learn about new music out there that appeals best to your tastes, if you do not seek out the venues that offer it, you will be left slightly unfulfilled.


TopLeft: Soundboard at 'SuperMarket', Kensington Market
MiddleRight: Posing in front of graffiti, Dina and Krzysiu (Happy Birthday Krzysiu!), Kensington Market
BottomRight: Krszysiu doing a handstand in the middle of the road, Kensington Market, 2:30 am, random strangers joining in just at the right moment
Map: Our route.

Friday, June 19, 2009

A Tribute To a Stranger

As I was looking for some quotes to portray perfectly the need to look at life through the eyes of a child-the biggest explorers of all, I stumbled on ‘an inspiring human being’, Dan Eldon. I would like to share this person with you.

Dan Eldon, was a british photojournalist who along with three others, he was stoned and beaten to death on a dusty street in Mogadishu (largest city in Somalia). He was 23 years old when he died, but he left behind some amazing journals. Throughout his short life he visited 46 countries! He even set up a charity, “Student Transport Aid” where with other friends raised $25,000 for a venture to a refugee camp in Malawi. They traveled over thousands of miles in three vehicles then donated one of the cars to ‘Save the Children Fund’, as well as money for three wells and blankets for a children’s hospital. ( Source:

Like a comet, he blazed through life. Every day was a new adventure. But an act of grief and revenge cut it short. –
National Geographics

His Pledge on Life; The journey is the destination.

To laugh often and love much
To win respect of intelligent people and the affection of children
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends
To appreciate beauty
To find the best in others
To leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded - Ralph Waldo Emerson

How’s that for Inspiration…?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Younger Days Traveler

Things are so much easier when you’re a child, exploring is just as important on a day to day basis as brushing your teeth. If anything I wish I could remember the time when everything you saw and touched was for the first time. In case you’re wondering, yes I am the one beside the monkey, me the little explorer,and beside me, is my brother (whoever knows my brother, Do Not Mention This Picture). Till this day I still remember the numerous road trips and travels my family has taken us as kids; vivid memories of sticking my head out the window trying to get a glace of the passing scenery, playing card games with my brother as the road rushes by or hearing the muffled sound of the engine as my cheek pressed against the back seat and my body crammed, while my parents continued to battle the drive through the late night hours. Looking past the discomforts, fights and ‘are we there yets’, if I could recommend anything to the parents in today’s day and age it would be to force those family road trips! They build character and unite the family. Its is those memories that we end up remembering most I think. I strongly believe that I am the person that I have become today, because of the wonderfull things I was exposed at that early age. And although I don't remember that monkey, I'm sure I was loving that beach then, just as much as I would love it now.

I once again leave you with a quote...

To explore the unknown and the familiar, distant and near, and to record in details with the eyes of a child, any beauty, horror, irony, traces of utopia or Hell. - Dan Eldon

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I want to dedicate this space;

To My Friends; so that I can share with them and document not only my mini-adventures as well as our adventures and experiences, may they not be forgotten.
To My Family; so that they can get to know me a little better and learn about the things I love to do.
To Those Who I Don’t Know; not only to get to know me, but learn and hopefully undertake the mini ventures that can brighten up their day to day.
To Those Who Want to Get Away, but Who Can’t Get Away.
And most importantly,
To Myself; so that I can always be reminded to continue to Dream, Explore and Discover.


Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to my blog.

I have finally undertaken the challenge to start a piece of my own public webspace and take the courage to share with the rest of the world some of my thoughts, interests and experiences.

The above is a picture of what I am faced with every single day for a total time of 2.5 hrs a day getting to and from my 9-5. It can be safely said, I have a lot of time to reflect. I love life, I love to travel and I love meeting new people, but I can never find enough time or sometimes even courage for it. I currently feel trapped in a life that seems mediocre and temporary, but one that requires a great deal of effort to escape.

This more than anything, has caused me to resort to really appreciating the little things around me that make me happy in my life right now. With camera and journal in hand, I wish to share some of these with you through the means of this blog.

I have great hopes that you will find some of my posts useful, some inspiring and if anything at least some that you can slightly relate to.

Keep in mind...

By the end of your life, it will be the things you didn’t do rather than the things you did do that you will regret. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Dream. Explore. Discover.