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Only In My Back Yard...
So Imagine This; Last Saturday morning I am sitting with my family by the kitchen table enjoying a fresh cup of coffee and some cookies. Sounds Great. Now as we are all engaged in our casual conversation, suddenly all stops as someone lets out a gasp and points to the window...what could it be? Well, there they are, there were two peacocks taking a stroll in our back yard. Not one, two! Not just any any everyday spring -time bird, a peacock. How random is that? Interestingly enough both the male and female acted very nonchalant as they trotted through our green, 'tra la la la don't mind us'. My dad was quite amused by the situation until they birds decided to help themselves to some of our wild berries
, you can't mess with those! No worries, despite my dad's angry scowl at their rude intrusion on our garden fruit, no shotguns where used or animals harmed in the writing of this post.
Just to give you a final synopsis of his story, there is a farm across the street from our home that I believe keeps the birds as part of their farm animal collection. It seems as though they decided to escape their routine of the everyday and finally get the courage to see what mysteries lie on the other side of the road. I guess everyone needs to get away every once in a while.
Peacocks are considered exotic and rare in many countries. When I think of this, it reminds me of stories when I was younger about arab kings and princes who ask for peacocks and llamas to add to their exotic animal collection. Not in small towns in Ontario! I love your garden Gab -- a beehive, hummingbirds and peacocks? Oh my.