Thursday, June 18, 2009

Younger Days Traveler

Things are so much easier when you’re a child, exploring is just as important on a day to day basis as brushing your teeth. If anything I wish I could remember the time when everything you saw and touched was for the first time. In case you’re wondering, yes I am the one beside the monkey, me the little explorer,and beside me, is my brother (whoever knows my brother, Do Not Mention This Picture). Till this day I still remember the numerous road trips and travels my family has taken us as kids; vivid memories of sticking my head out the window trying to get a glace of the passing scenery, playing card games with my brother as the road rushes by or hearing the muffled sound of the engine as my cheek pressed against the back seat and my body crammed, while my parents continued to battle the drive through the late night hours. Looking past the discomforts, fights and ‘are we there yets’, if I could recommend anything to the parents in today’s day and age it would be to force those family road trips! They build character and unite the family. Its is those memories that we end up remembering most I think. I strongly believe that I am the person that I have become today, because of the wonderfull things I was exposed at that early age. And although I don't remember that monkey, I'm sure I was loving that beach then, just as much as I would love it now.

I once again leave you with a quote...

To explore the unknown and the familiar, distant and near, and to record in details with the eyes of a child, any beauty, horror, irony, traces of utopia or Hell. - Dan Eldon

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